What We Do
AcquistionHelp.com training services were established because there was a need of specialized practical training for Government contractors and Government contracting professionals . AcquistionHelp.com was created to fill that void. AcquisitionHelp.com provides government contract training in large group settings, virtually and in smaller on-site settings.
We are ready and prepared to provide training support to Government CORs and contracting professionals with the goal of providing practical information and knowledge to increase their professional skill-sets. AcquistionHelp.com has unique training courses available. If you don’t see your training requirement on the website, contact us through the website or call Brian Hebbel at 410 419 4627.

Simulated Technical Evaluation Panel Training Exercise - 17 - 40 CLP's
At our Simulated Technical Evaluation Proposal Workshop your staff will become government technical evaluation panel members for and learn to evaluates contractor proposals.
No other company offers this training. It is original and created by our team of experts. Our lead trainer was a Government Technical Evaluation Panel (TEP) chairperson for 15 years.
At the end of our training, you will understand how to evaluate a technical proposal with confidence and propoer documentation. .
This training is for Government CORs., program managers, contracting professionals or any personnel who may be on a technical evaluation panel in the future. Trainees will be required to review and score the proposals prior to the training event. Estimated time to review and score the proposals prior to the training event: 8 hours.
In addition, this training includes best practices required to lead or participate on a government technical evaluation panel (TEP). We will teach attendees the best practices of being on a TEP and provide a simulated TEP experience. Real practical training performed over 40 times to date.
This groundbreaking training is not offered anywhere throughout the Federal Government contracting community.
Register and be teamed with co-workers at your Agency during this mock exercise. Training material will be provided to participants a week prior to the training exercise to review and evaluate/score the proposals.
The trainers include Melvin Broussard, a TEP Chair on 78 procurements over a 15-year period, a contracting officer with 34 years experience government experience and an industry representative
Our training modules include:
Technical Evaluation Panel Instructions
A Statement of Work
Evaluation Criteria
3 short proposals and 3 resumes to evaluate
Evaluation Scoresheets
A Cost Report
Three trainers and originators of the material representing industry (Desirea Votaw), contracting offices (Brian Hebbel) and program offices (Melvin Broussard) will lead this training session.
Space is limited to 10 attendees for this training.
The number of CLPs can vary depending on the training time set-aside by the agency.

CPARS Training - 2.5 CLP's
Registration for this training is found through Eventbrite at this link:
The goal of this virtual training is to teach CORs about the Contractor Performance Assessment Rating System (CPARS) and how to employ best practices to complete the CPARS form on a yearly basis. The training will be conducted by Rod Benson and Brian Hebbel, former federal contracting officials, each with over 30 years of federal government contracting expertise.
The training will provide a backdrop of CPARS in terms of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) requirements and discuss the ratings system contained in FAR.
Our training will teach the best practices CORs should have in place to effectively manage the yearly CPARS ratings and teach CORs how to properly evaluate a contractors performance each year. CORs will also learn the activities a COR must perform in advance of receiving and completing the CPARS rating, and discuss recent national CPARS data.
Register at https://acquisitionhelp.eventbrite.com for this training or any of our other acquisitionhelp.com training events.
Acquisition Planning for Government CORs and Program Managers. - 2.5 CLP's
Registration for this training is found through Eventbrite at this link:
Acquisition Planning is a key aspect for Agency contracting personnel including CORs. FAR Part 7 goes into depth regarding what is required for an adequate acquisition plan/strategy.
In this training you will gain an understanding of the following:
• What does the FAR say?
• What is in the Acquisition Plan?
• CORs role in preparing the acquisition
• Lead time in completing the plan.
• Key aspects of the acquisition plan
• Who helps prepares the Acquisition Plan?
• Various types of acquisition strategies.
Register at https://acquisitionhelp.eventbrite.com for this training or any of our other acquisitionhelp.com training events.
How To Lead A Government Technical Evaluation Panel - 2.5 CLP's
Registration for this training is found through Eventbrite at this link:
This training is for CORs and contracting officials. The purpose of the training is to provide Government officials best practices for leading or being on a technical evaluation panel (TEP). The instructor was a TEP Chair on 78 procurements over 15-years. He will share do’s and don’ts and of being a leader or individual on a TEP. We will also breakdown the processes that you will not find in any other courses. No one inside or outside of Government has the expertise of our instructor. In addition, a former contracting officer with 34 years of government expertise will lend his experience and advice to the conversation.
Register at https://acquisitionhelp.eventbrite.com for this training or any of our other acquisitionhelp.com training events.
Conflict of Interest - 2.5 CLP's
Registration for this training is found through Eventbrite at this link:
Contractors must perform Federal Government contracts free of conflicts of interest (COIs). Rod Benson, a nationally recognized expert on COI matters, will provide practical guidance for addressing COIs in proposals and for handling COIs which arise during contract performance. Rod is an attorney and former Director of the Office of Acquisitions and Grant Management for the Centers and Medicare and Medicaid Services.
The training will include:
• The COI requirements of the Federal Acquisition Regulations
• How to identify COIs
• Strategies for mitigating COIs
• How to handle COIs in proposals
• How the Government evaluates and addresses COIs
• Processes for compliance with COI contract requirements
• COIs as grounds for protest
This training will provide the information you need to successfully manage COIs for your Federal Government contracts.
Register at https://acquisitionhelp.eventbrite.com for this training or any of our other acquisitionhelp.com training events.
When Can/Should a COR Meet with a Contractor/Industry Official? - 2.5 CLP's
Registration for this training is found through Eventbrite at this link:
Engaging industry officials is a key aspect to helping the federal government complete its mission-driven objectives. Yet confusion surrounds these meetings at both industry and federal levels. This training breaks it all down so CORs have a roadmap of when they should and can meet with industry.
Government officials are often contracting officials, confused about when they can meet with industry representative and what they can talk about. This training will discuss the various FAR regulations and the Office of Federal Procurement Policy regarding engaging industry. This training will be performed by former contracting officials, each with over 30 years of federal contracting expertise.
In addition to the training and guidance, the training will provide examples of when you should or should not meet with contractor personnel.
We will also provide templates that can be used by agencies for the contractor community to complete prior to engaging your agency.
Register at https://acquisitionhelp.eventbrite.com for this training or any of our other acquisitionhelp.com training events.
Contract Modifications and Change Orders - 2.5 CLP's
Registration for this training is found through Eventbrite at this link:
Objectives are to gain an understanding of the following:
• Types of Modifications
• Who can issue Modifications
• Exercise of Options
• When notations are needed and what is required
• Changes clause and how it can benefit both parties
• Constructive Change Order
Register at https://acquisitionhelp.eventbrite.com for this training or any of our other acquisitionhelp.com training events.
How to Calculate Profit and Fee - 2.0 CLP's
Registration for this training is found through Eventbrite at this link:
As a COR, do you know how the Contracting Officer calculates your profit and fees on new awards and contract modifications? Are too much of your budgeted funds going to pay for contractor profit and fee? We are here to help!
As negotiations of contracts and contract modifications take place, now is the time to understand how the contracting officer negotiates profit and fee percentages, and teach you how to have meaningful negotiations with your contractors.
We'll provide training on the procedures and practices contracting officers follow to adequately document their negotiation memo and internal contract file documentation. Knowing these will educate you to find if you are paying too much or not enough.
We'll provide the processes you need to know as a COR managing a contract.
Register at https://acquisitionhelp.eventbrite.com for this training or any of our other acquisitionhelp.com training events.
The Federal Budget Process - 2.5 CLP's
Registration for this training is found through Eventbrite at this link:
The Federal Budget Process is complicated. Federal agencies must take numerous actions over a few years to execute their budgets. How does this process work and impact a contractor's ability to win new work or see increases of work on existing contracts?
This training seminar will provide detailed information of the Federal Budget including:
• Understanding the Federal Budget Process
• Federal Budget 101 including terminology
• How the budget is formulated
• How the budget information is presented
• How and the when the budget is executed/funding obligate
Register at https://acquisitionhelp.eventbrite.com for this training or any of our other acquisitionhelp.com training events.
Oral Proposal Training - 2.5 CLP's
Registration for this training is found through Eventbrite at this link:
This webinar provides the practical approaches, techniques, and processes Contracting officials and CORs will need to successfully manage Oral Proposals and Technical Challenges solicitations in this increasingly popular source selection environment.
Course objectives include:
• Best practices for creating solicitation language
• Best practices for the Government for Oral Proposal Presentations
• Best Practices to get the best valued contractor
• Organizing your evaluation team
• Which industry panel members should present
• What reasonable limitations should be placed on the contractors
• What is a reasonable time period for tech challenges
• Leveraging the capabilities of video conferencing products
• Avoiding Pitfalls
This webinar includes both industry best practices and recommendations from experienced government procurement experts.
Register at https://acquisitionhelp.eventbrite.com for this training or any of our other acquisitionhelp.com training events.
Best Practices to Receiving White Papers - 2 CLP's
Registration for this training is found through Eventbrite at this link:
This course will train you on thinking more strategically about how CORs can use White Papers, and to create White Papers that are truly educational and groundbreaking!
You will learn the secret to a well-designed White Paper that will meet the needs of your federal agency, and receive the tools for reviewing impactful papers that serve both you and your federal contractors.
You will leave the course with a better understanding of how CORs should think about White Papers, including the do’s and don’ts as well as boundaries and realistic expectations.
What you learn:
• Everything a COR should know about reviewing White Papers.
• Our training will help you understand what a COR needs to know about reviewing
• White Papers for Federal contractors.
• Ever wonder what kinds of white papers other COR prefer?
• What is different about White Papers for Military vs Civilian Agencies?
• How should contractors market their White Papers to CORs?
• How white papers can be used to avoid long drawn-out competitions.
Register at https://acquisitionhelp.eventbrite.com for this training or any of our other acquisitionhelp.com training events.
GSA Training for CORs
Registration for this training is found through Eventbrite at this link:
More information coming soon.
Register at https://acquisitionhelp.eventbrite.com for this training or any of our other acquisitionhelp.com training events.
Program Leadership Training for Federal Officials
Registration for this training is found through Eventbrite at this link:
More information coming soon.
Register at https://acquisitionhelp.eventbrite.com for this training or any of our other acquisitionhelp.com training events.
Cost Accounting Standards
Registration for this training is found through Eventbrite at this link:
More information coming soon.
Register at https://acquisitionhelp.eventbrite.com for this training or any of our other acquisitionhelp.com training events.
Government Accounting Basic for CORs
Registration for this training is found through Eventbrite at this link:
More information coming soon.
Register at https://acquisitionhelp.eventbrite.com for this training or any of our other acquisitionhelp.com training events.